Export Project Status or Summary Report for Client

If your client is requesting a Project Status Report or Summary or you simply just need it for internal purposes, follow the steps below.

1. On the menu in the left-hand side of the screen, click on Projects. Select the project of which report you want to export. Find the blue Export Report text link and click on it.

2. A pop-up window will appear, which contains different options you can select to better customize the type of report you would like to be generated. You can also select the file format (DOCX or PDF). After you have made your selections, click Generate Report.


Each report option includes information on different components of the project. 

Project Status Report:

  1. A list of all visible candidates. 
  2. Profiles for each visible candidate with any/all information you've made visible for those candidates - including all candidate information and notes which have been toggled as visible to your clients.

Project Status Report with all Candidates:

  1. A list of all visible candidates.  
  2. Profiles for each visible candidate with any/all information you've made visible for those candidates - including all candidate information and notes which have been toggled as visible to your clients.
  3. A table showing a summary of all invisible candidates (w/ names, current position & company, status, and an overview note).

Project Details:

  1. All of the project's tabs that you've made visible.  
  2. Any/all information within each tab that you've made visible to your clients (appearing in this order: Dashboard, Position, Strategy, list of visible Candidates, and each visible Candidate in order of rank).

Summary Status Report: Contains a table which includes the visible candidates’ names, their most recent position, and the Overview, Next Steps, and Assessment notes for each.

Summary Status Report for all Candidates: Contains a table which includes: all candidates’ names, their most recent position, and the Overview, Next Steps, and Assessment notes for each.

Candidate Export List: Creates an excel spreadsheet with any/all information you'd like to see for all Candidates on the project.

Formatted Candidate Export:  Creates an Excel spreadsheet with the information you selected including Formatting Options, Candidate Visibility and Data Fields.

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