Okta Integration

To enable the Okta Integration, SAML must be enabled for your Firm's environment, with a subscription to the integration. Please contact sales@clockworkrecruiting.com to have that enabled.

Your users won't have access if their Okta SSO email is different from their CW email. In order to ensure accuracy here, download the users table in firm settings and compare it to your users table in your SSO provider. If there are differences, follow these steps BEFORE you send your Metadata URL.

Once the request has been sent, your emails are matching, and the subscription has been fulfilled, retrieve your Metadata URL and share it with support@clockworkrecruiting.com. The integration will be created on our end and turned on for your firm the following workday. 

Once the SAML integration is enabled for your firm, Add the Clockwork Recruiting app to your Okta account and follow the steps below. 

Features Supported

The Okta/Clockwork SAML integration currently supports the following features:
  • SP-initiated SSO
  • IdP-initiated SSO

For more information on the listed features, visit the Okta Glossary.

Add Clockwork to your Okta Account

  1. In Okta, search the available apps for Clockwork and add.

Retrieve Identity Provider Metadata URL

  1. Next, Navigate to the Sign On tab.
  2. In the Sign On tab, copy the Identity Provider Metadata URL and send it to Support to enable your integration.

* Right click to copy to URL to your clipboard and paste into the email to support. 

SignIn Process

Once Okta is activated, Firm Users will no longer be able to login with their email and password. Client Users will continue to use their email and password to access the Firm environment.

  • Use the SignIn with Okta option when visiting the Firm Specific Login page (http://FirmName.ClockworkRecruiting.com/session/new)

  • Use Clockwork App button in Okta Home

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